Domestic implementation of international criminal law
Republic of the Sudan
Domestic Legislation | Peace Agreements | Resources and Links
Crimes Crime of Aggression
No specific provision. However, Article 51 of the Criminal Act of 1991 punishes the waging of war against the State and also the fact of, without the government's permission, recruiting and preparing "within the Sudan, soldiers for the invasion of a foreign state" or the conduction of "any offensive act, against a foreign state, which may expose the country to the danger of war...". [See full text of the Criminal Act of 1991 under the "Resources and Links" section below]
Crimes Against Humanity
No provision.
No provision.
War Crimes
No specific provision.
Related documents::
The Decree creating the National Commission of IHL. (Presidential Decree (48) 2003). 08 February 2003. [ENG]
The Sudanese Red Crescent Law of 2005. 03 August 2005. [ENG]
International Criminal Court
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Republic of the Sudan signed the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on 08 September 2000. The Republic of the Sudan is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
On 27 August 2008, the Republic of the Sudan made the following notification under article 87 (1) and (2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:“I, Deng Alor Koul, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Sudan, hereby notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations, as depositary of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, that Sudan does not intend to become a party to the Rome Statute. Accordingly, Sudan has no legal obligation arising from its signature on 8 September 2000.”
[Edition in progress]
Accord de Ndjamena sur la normalisation des relations entre le Tchad et le Soudan. 15 janvier 2010. [FRA]
The Doha Agreement between the Republic of Chad and the Republic of the Sudan. 03 May 2009. [ENG] Acuerdo de Doha entre la República del Chad y la República del Sudán. 03 mayo 2009. [SPA] Accord de Doha entre la République du Tchad et la République du Soudan. [FRA]
03 mai 2009. [FRA]
Accord de Dakar entre le Tchad et le Soudan. 13 mars 2008. [FRA]
Accord bilatéral pour le développement et le renforcement des relations entre Soudan et Tchad (Accord de Riyadh). 03 Mai 2007. [FRA]
Statement of the Four-party Peace Summit. 21 February 2007. [ENG] Declaración de la Cumbre cuatripartita de paz para abordar la controversia entre el Chad y el Sudán. 21 Febrero 2007. [SPA] Déclaration du sommet quadripartite pour la paix pour régler le différend entre le Tchad et le Soudan. 21 Février 2007. [FRA]
Cannes Declaration on the Regional Dimension of the Darfur Crisis. 15 February 2007. [ENG] Déclaration de Cannes relative à la dimension régionale de la crise du Darfour. 15 février 2007. [FRA]
Pact on Security, Stability and Development in the Great Lakes Region. 15 December 2006. [ENG]
Protocol of Non-aggression and Mutual Defence in the Great Lakes Region. 30 November 2006. [ENG]
Tripoli Agreement to Settle the Dispute between the Republic of Chad and the Republic of Sudan. 08 February 2006. [ENG]
Declaración y Acuerdo de Trípoli sobre la situación entre el Chad y el Sudán. 08 Febrero 2006. [SPA]
Déclaration et Accord de Tripoli au sujet de la situation entre la République du Tchad et la République du Soudan. 08 Février 2006. [FRA]
Chapeau of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. 09 January 2005
Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Sudan People's Liberation Army (with Annexes). 09 January 2005. [ENG]
Full text of all Peace Agreements pertaining to Sudan available at:
Peace Agreements Sudan. UN Department of Political Affairs. [ENG]. [Last accessed 03Aug17]. [External Link]
The Constitution of the Republic of the Sudan. 06 July 2005. (The Interim National Constitution of the Republic of the Sudan, 2005).
[The Interim National Constitution of the Republic of the Sudan was adopted by the National Assembly on 6 July 2005 and entered into force on 9 July 2005. This was according to the provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) (2005), between the Sudanese Government and the Sudanese People Liberation Movement (SPLM)].
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link to pdf document]
Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Sudan People's Liberation Army (with Annexes). 09 January 2005.
UN Department of Political Affairs. [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link to pdf document]
The Penal Code, 2003. 31 December 2003. (The SPLA Act 2003 applies in the following regions: Central, Eastern and Western Equatoria, Jongley, Lakes, Northern and Western Bahr el Ghazal, Unity, Upper Nile and Warab. It amends the Criminal Code of 1991).
refworld, UNHCR. [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link]
The Criminal Act, 1991. 30 January 1991.
Sudanese Human Rights Monitor and Redress. [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link]
The Project for Criminal Law Reform in Sudan.
Sudanese Human Rights Monitor and Redress. [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link]
The Code of Criminal Procedure, 2003. Secretariat of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development. By way of: Gurtong Trust. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Aug17]. [External Link to doc file]
The Evidence Act, 2003.
Secretariat of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development. By way of: Gurtong Trust. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Aug17]. [External Link to doc file]
Laws of New Sudan.
Gurtong Trust. [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link]
Sudan Peace Agreement signed 9 January 2005.
UN Security Council, SC/8306, 08 February 2015. [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link]
Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary-General. Geneva, 25 January 2005.
UN official website. [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link to pdf document]
Al Bashir Case: The Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir.
ICC-02/05-01/09. [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link]
Lack of Conviction: The Special Criminal Court on the Events in Darfur.
HRW. [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link]
List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Sudan is a State party. [ENG]
(International Committee of the Red Cross). [ENG]. [Last accessed 04Aug17]. [External Link]