Domestic implementation of international law
Principality of Andorra
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Crimes Crime of Aggression / Crimen de agresión
The Principality of Andorra deposited its instrument of ratification of the Kampala amendments on the crime of aggression on 26 September 2013.
The Penal Code in force (Organic Law No. 9/2005 of February 21st 2005) contains a Chapter on war crimes and crime of aggression (Chapter IV, Title XXIV), although the related provisions concern only war crimes. Article 369, "Provocation of War", of the said code (under Title XX: "Crimes against the peace and the independence of the Principality) punishes all those who, by means of illegal acts, provoke a declaration of war, an invasion or a military aggression against the Principality of Andorra or the participation of the Principality in an armed conflict. Article 370 punishes any breach of neutrality.
Legal Documents
Ratificació de l'esmena a l'article 8 i les esmenes relatives al crim d'agressió de l'Estatut de Roma de la Cort Penal Internacional.
Butlletí Oficial del Principat d’Andorra, Núm. 61 - Any 25, Andorra la Vella, 27des13 [CAT]Proposta d'acceptació de les esmenes de Kampala relatives al crim d'agressió.
Butlletí del Consell General - Núm. 41/2013, Casa de la Vall, 04set13 [CAT]Code Pénal d'Andorre. Loi organique nº 9/2005 du 21 février 2005. [FRA]
(Llei 9/2005, del 21 de febrer, qualificada del Codi penal)
(Organic Law No. 9/2005 of February 21st 2005 promulgating the New Penal Code)News
Andorra, Cyprus, Slovenia, and Uruguay ratify amendments to the Rome Statute on the crime of aggression and article 8
ICC-ASP-20131001-PR946, Assembly of States Parties to the International Criminal Court, The Hague, 01Oct13 [ENG]Crimes Against Humanity / Crímenes contra la humanidad
Crimes against humanity are defined in Articles 459-465, Chapter III, Title XXIV (crimes against the international community) of the 2005 Penal Code (see Full text of 2005 Penal Code [FRA]):
- Art. 459: General definition
- Art. 460: Penalties
- Art. 461: Aggravated offence
- Art. 462: Offence committed by persons in a position of authority
- Art. 463: Offence committed by a superior
- Art. 464: Other breaches of duty
- Art. 465: State of necessityThe amendments introduced by Law No. 15/2008 of October 3rd 2008 to the 2005 Penal Code modified the main penalties for serious offences provided for under Article 35 of the Penal Code, but they did not affect the penalties for crimes against humanity. (See: Llei de modificació de la llei del codi penal (Law No. 15/2008 of October 3rd 2008, modifying Organic Law No. 9/2005 of February 21st 2005, by which the New Penal Code was promulgated) [CAT])
Code Pénal d'Andorre. Loi organique nº 9/2005 du 21 février 2005. [FRA]
(Llei 9/2005, del 21 de febrer, qualificada del Codi penal)
(Organic Law No. 9/2005 of February 21st 2005 promulgating the New Penal Code)Genocide / Genocidio
Genocide is defined in Articles 456-458, Chapter II, Title XXIV (crimes against the international community) of the 2005 Penal Code (see Full text of 2005 Penal Code [FRA]):
- Art. 456: Genocide
- Art. 457: Genocide Apology
- Art. 458: Genocide denialThe amendments introduced by Law No. 15/2008 of October 3rd 2008 to the 2005 Penal Code modified the main penalties for serious offences provided for under Article 35 of the Penal Code, but they did not affect the penalties for genocide. (See: Llei de modificació de la llei del codi penal (Law No. 15/2008 of October 3rd 2008, modifying Organic Law No. 9/2005 of February 21st 2005, by which the New Penal Code was promulgated) [CAT])
Code Pénal d'Andorre. Loi organique nº 9/2005 du 21 février 2005. [FRA]
(Llei 9/2005, del 21 de febrer, qualificada del Codi penal)
(Organic Law No. 9/2005 of February 21st 2005 promulgating the New Penal Code)War Crimes / Crímenes de guerra
War crimes are defined in Articles 466-475, Chapter IV, Title XXIV (crimes against the international community) of the 2005 Penal Code (see Full text of 2005 Penal Code [FRA]):
- Art. 466: Prohibited means of warfare
- Art. 467: Prohibited practices
- Art. 468: Other offences
- Art. 469: Offences relating to social, medical or sanitary institutions and distinctive emblems
- Art. 470: Attacks on special objects
- Art. 471: Aggravated offence
- Art. 472: Offence committed by persons in a position of authority
- Art. 473: Offence committed by a superior
- Art. 474: Other breaches of duty
- Art. 475: Protected Persons
Code Pénal d'Andorre. Loi organique nº 9/2005 du 21 février 2005. [FRA]
(Llei 9/2005, del 21 de febrer, qualificada del Codi penal)
(Organic Law No. 9/2005 of February 21st 2005 promulgating the New Penal Code)
Jurisdiction and statute of limitations Article 8 (8) of the Penal Code of 21 February 2005 provides for the application of the criminal laws of Andorra to offences attempted or committed outside the territory of the Principality of Andorra where the said offences, in accordance with the laws of Andorra, carry a maximum sentence of more than 6 years imprisonment and could be characterised as genocide, torture, slavery... and any other offence where an international treaty in force in the Principality so provides, if the person responsible has not been acquitted, pardoned or convicted for the said offence or, in the latter case, such person has not served a sentence.
Article 81 of the Penal Code of 21 february 2005 provides that crimes against humanity and genocide are not subject to any statute of limitations.
Code Pénal d'Andorre. Loi organique nº 9/2005 du 21 février 2005. [FRA]
(Llei 9/2005, del 21 de febrer, qualificada del Codi penal)
(Organic Law No. 9/2005 of February 21st 2005 promulgating the New Penal Code)
International Criminal Court
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Principality of Andorra signed the Rome Statute on 18 July 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification on 30 April 2001.Upon ratification, Andorra made the following notification under article 87 (1) and (2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:
With regard to article 87, paragraph 1, of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Principality of Andorra declares that all requests for cooperation made by the Court under part IX of the Statute must be transmitted through the diplomatic channel.
With regard to article 87, paragraph 2, of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Principality of Andorra declares that all requests for cooperation and any supporting documents that it receives from the Court must, in accordance with article 50 of the Statute establishing Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish as the official languages of the Court, be drafted in French or Spanish or accompanied, where necessary, by a translation into one of these languages.
Butlletí Oficial del Principat d'Andorra. (Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra) [CAT] [External Link]
Butlletí del Consell General. (Official Gazette of the Parliament of Andorra) [CAT] [External Link]
Diari Oficial del Consell General. (Minutes of the Parliament of Andorra)[CAT] [External Link]
International Humanitarian Law treaties to which Andorra is a State Party.
International Committee of the Red Cross [External Link]