
John Dimitri Negroponte

Equipo Nizkor

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John Negroponte was ambassador to Honduras from 1981-1985. As such he supported and carried out a US-sponsored policy of violations to human rights and international law. Among other things he supervised the creation of the El Aguacate air base, where the US trained Nicaraguan Contras during the 1980's. The base was used as a secret detention and torture center, in August 2001 excavations at the base discovered the first of the corpses of the 185 people, including two Americans, who are thought to have been killed and buried at this base.

During his ambassadorship, human rights violations in Honduras became systematic. The infamous Battalion 316, trained by the CIA and Argentine military, kidnaped, tortured and killed hundreds of people. Negroponte knew about these human rights violations and yet continued to collaborate with them, while lying to Congress.

President George W. Bush has nominated Negroponte to be US ambassador before the UN. Human Rights organizations in the US and Latin America have joined their voices in asking the US Senate to not ratify his nomination. Please join us!



  • Stop Human Rights Obstructer John Negroponte
    Please contact the US senate to oppose his nomination!

  • Online Petition Against Negroponte Nomination

  • Information

  • CIA & Argentina Military Activities in Honduras
  • Honduras Documentation Project
    National Security Archives
  • In Search of Hidden Truth
    An Interim Report on Declassification by the National Commissioner for Human Rights in Honduras

  • Negroponte Profile
    by Foreign Policy In Focus

  • Interview with John Negroponte
    National Security Archive

    Baltimore Sun 1995 Series About US activities in Honduras

  • Honduras | Issues | World

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