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Domestic implementation of international criminal law
Republic of Singapore
LegislationJudicial decisions Resources and Links
Crimes Crime of Aggression / Crimes against peace
No provision.
Crimes against humanity
No provision.
Genocide is defined and punished in Articles 130D and 130E of the Penal Code of Singapore. See:
Penal Code. (Chapter 224). (Original Enactment: Ordinance 4 of 1871).
The Law Revision Commission under the Authority of the Revised Edition of the Laws Act (Chapter 275). (Informal Consolidation – version in force from 1 April 2015). [ENG]War Crimes
Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions are punished in s. 3, under Part II, of the Geneva Conventions Act of Singapore. See:
The Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Act 2007.
Government Gazette (Acts Supplement), No. 51, 14 December 2007Geneva Conventions Act, 1973.
Government Gazette (Acts Supplement), No. 11, 3 April 1973
Additional documents:The Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Regulations 2007.
Government Gazette, 14th December 2007The Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act.
Government Gazette (Acts Supplement), 2 June 2000The Biological Agents and Toxins Act.
The Statutes of the Republic of Singapore, Revised Edition 2006, 31st December 2006The Singapore Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act, 1973.
Government Gazette (Acts Supplement), No. 12, 3 April 1973
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction over war crimes is provided for under s. 3 (grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions) of the Geneva Conventions Act. See:
Geneva Conventions Act, 1973.
Government Gazette (Acts Supplement), No. 11, 3 April 1973
Extraterritorial jurisdiction is provided for under Articles 3 and 4 of the Penal Code of the Republic of Singapore. See:
Penal Code. (Chapter 224). (Original Enactment: Ordinance 4 of 1871).
The Law Revision Commission under the Authority of the Revised Edition of the Laws Act (Chapter 275). (Informal Consolidation – version in force from 1 April 2015). [ENG]
International Criminal Court
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Republic of Singapore is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Krofan Stanislaus v. Public Prosecutor. Federal Court, 5 October 1966. [ENG] N. V. De Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappli & Ors. v. The War Damage Commission. Court of Appeal, 13 April 1956. [ENG]
Constitution of the Republic of Singapore. (Original Enactment: S 1/63). (Informal Consolidation – version in force from 1/4/2017).
Singapore Statutes Online, Government of Singapore. [ENG]. [Last accessed 07Jul17]. [External Link to pdf document]
Constitutional Documents.
Singapore Statutes Online, Government of Singapore. [ENG]. [Last accessed 07Jul17]. [External Link]
Criminal Procedure Code. (Cap. 68).
Singapore Statutes Online, Government of Singapore. [ENG]. [Last accessed 07Jul17]. [External Link to pdf document]
Singapore Statutes Online.
Government of Singapore. [ENG]. [Last accessed 12Feb18]. [External Link]
List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Singapore is a State party. [ENG]
(International Committee of the Red Cross). [ENG] [Last accessed 07Jul17] [External Link]