Domestic application of international criminal law
Republic of Senegal
LegislationExtraordinary African Chambers Resources and
Crimes Crime of Aggression
No provision
Crimes Against Humanity
Crimes against humanity are defined in Article 431-2 of the Criminal Code of Senegal. This Article was introduced by Law No. 2007-02 of 12 February 2007 amending the Criminal Code in order to adapt it to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. See:
Loi nº 2007-02 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code pénal.
(Law No. 2007-05 of 12 February 2007 amending the Criminal Code).
JORS, 6332 : 2377-2386, 10 mars 2007. [FRA]
See also:
Loi n° 2007-05 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code de la Procédure pénale relative à la mise en oeuvre du Traité de Rome instituant la Cour Pénale Internationale.
(Law No. 2007-05 of 12 February 2007 amending the Code of Criminal Procedure on the implementation of the Treaty of Rome establishing the International Criminal Court).
JORS, 6332 : 2384-23, 10 mars 2007. [FRA]Genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 431-1 of the Criminal Code of Senegal. This Article was introduced by Law No. 2007-02 of 12 February 2007 amending the Criminal Code so as to adapt it to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. See:
Loi nº 2007-02 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code pénal.
(Law No. 2007-02 of 12 February 2007 amending the Criminal Code).
JORS, 6332 : 2377-2386, 10 mars 2007. [FRA]
See also:
Loi n° 2007-05 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code de la Procédure pénale relative à la mise en oeuvre du Traité de Rome instituant la Cour Pénale Internationale.
(Law No. 2007-05 of 12 February 2007 amending the Code of Criminal Procedure on the implementation of the Treaty of Rome establishing the International Criminal Court).
JORS, 6332 : 2384-23, 10 mars 2007. [FRA]War Crimes
War Crimes are defined in Articles 431-3 and 431-5 of the Criminal Code of Senegal. These Articles were introduced by Law No. 2007-02 of 12 February 2007 amending the Criminal Code so as to adapt it to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. See:
Loi nº 2007-02 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code pénal.
(Law No. 2007-02 of 12 February 2007 amending the Criminal Code).
JORS, 6332 : 2377-2386, 10 mars 2007. [FRA]
See also:
Loi n° 2007-05 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code de la Procédure pénale relative à la mise en oeuvre du Traité de Rome instituant la Cour Pénale Internationale.
(Law No. 2007-05 of 12 February 2007 amending the Code of Criminal Procedure on the implementation of the Treaty of Rome establishing the International Criminal Court).
JORS, 6332 : 2384-23, 10 mars 2007. [FRA]
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction over crimes committed abroad:
According to Article 669 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Senegal, the courts of Senegal have jurisdiction over any foreigner accused of being the perpetrator or accomplice of one of the crimes referred to in articles 431-1 to 431-5 of the Criminal Code, even if committed outside the territory of the Republic of Senegal, if the accused is under the jurisdiction of Senegal or if a victim resides in the territory of the Republic of Senegal, or if the Government obtains his or her extradition:Article 669
« Tout étranger qui, hors du territoire de la République s'est vu reproché d'être l'auteur ou le complice d'un des crimes visés aux articles 431-1 à 431-5 du code pénal, d'un crime ou délit d'attentat à la sûreté de l'Etat ou de contrefaçon du sceau de l'Etat, des monnaies nationales ayant cours ou d'actes visés aux articles 279-1 à 279-3, 295-1 du code pénal peut être poursuivi et jugé d'après les dispositions des lois sénégalaises ou applicables au Sénégal, s'il se trouve sous la juridiction du Sénégal ou si une victime réside sur le territoire de la République du Sénégal, ou si le gouvernement obtient son extradition ».
Non-applicability of statutes of limitations:
Article 7, alinéa 4 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Senegal states that genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes are not subject to any statute of limitations:Article 7
« les crimes définies aux articles 431-1, 431-2, 431-3 et 431-5 du code pénal sont par leur nature imprescriptibles ».
Loi n° 2007-05 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code de la Procédure pénale relative à la mise en oeuvre du Traité de Rome instituant la Cour Pénale Internationale.
(Law No. 2007-05 of 12 February 2007 amending the Code of Criminal Procedure on the implementation of the Treaty of Rome establishing the International Criminal Court).
JORS, 6332 : 2384-23, 10 mars 2007. [FRA]
International Criminal Court Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Republic of Senegal signed the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on 18 July 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification on 02 February 1999.
Implementing legislation:
Loi nº 2007-02 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code pénal.
(Law No. 2007-02 of 12 February 2007 amending the Criminal Code).
JORS, 6332 : 2377-2386, 10 mars 2007. [FRA]
Loi n° 2007-05 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code de la Procédure pénale relative à la mise en oeuvre du Traité de Rome instituant la Cour Pénale Internationale.
(Law No. 2007-05 of 12 February 2007 amending the Code of Criminal Procedure on the implementation of the Treaty of Rome establishing the International Criminal Court).
JORS, 6332 : 2384-23, 10 mars 2007. [FRA]
The Extraordinary African Chambers (EAC) is an ad hoc judicial body established within the courts of the Republic of Senegal by agreement between the African Union and the Government of Senegal. The EAC was created on 22 August 2012 and inaugurated on 8 February 2013. According to its Statute, the EAC is composed of four chambers and is empowered to prosecute and try the person or persons most responsible for crimes and serious violations of international law, customary international law and international conventions ratified by Chad, committed in the territory of Chad during the period from 7 June 1982 to 1 December 1990, i.e., during the regime of Hissène Habré.
"The creation of the EAC was not easy at all... The Republic of Senegal, where Habré is living since his exile in December 1990 when he was overthrown, has placed several barriers to different proceedings undertaken by victims. Senegal first refused to judge Habré, because the crimes for which he is accused were committed outside its territory. Then, it refused to extradite him to Belgium, where proceedings were opened against him on the basis of this country’s law of universal jurisdiction. Facing this refusal, Belgium asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to order Senegal to prosecute or extradite Habré. The ICJ did so, in a landmark verdict delivered on 20 July 2012 in the case of Belgium v. Senegal... The ICJ decided that Senegal did indeed have an obligation to prosecute Habré, or extradite him to a state that was capable and willing to prosecute him. Before this decision, on 24 January 2006 the AU [African Union] established a Committee of Eminent African Jurists to consider options for Habré’s trial. Based on the committee’s report, on 2 July 2006 the AU asked Senegal to judge Habré "on behalf of Africa". It is against all this background that Senegal agreed, on 24 July 2012, to the AU's proposal, which provided for the creation of a special tribunal within the Senegalese court system, composed of African judges appointed by the AU. On 24 August 2012, an agreement was signed to this effect between the two parties." [Source: African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD)]
In October 2008, Habré filed a complaint with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court, stating that his trial in Senegal, based on legislative changes in Senegal in 2007-08, would violate the principle of non-retroactivity of criminal law. On 18 November 2010 the ECOWAS Court delivered its ruling declaring that, in order to avoid the violation of the principle of non-retroactivity, Habré should be tried before a "special ad hoc international court". Experts in international law unanimously questioned this decision because the principle of non-retroactivity, explicitly, does not apply to acts which at the time of their commission were already prohibited by international treaty and customary law (such as torture, war crimes and crimes against humanity). Nevertheless, the ECOWAS Court judgment - also binding on Senegal - required the creation of a "special ad hoc procedure of an international character." The Extraordinary African Chambers (EAC) are the result of this requirement.
Statute of the Extraordinary African Chambers within the Senegalese judicial system for the prosecution of international crimes committed on the territory of the Republic of Chad during the period from 7 June 1982 to 1 December 1990. 22 August 2012. [ENG]
Additional Agreement between the Government of Senegal and the African Union relating to the Statute of the Extraordinary African Chambers for the prosecution of international crimes committed in Chad during the period from 7 June 1982 to 1 December 1990. 24 July 2014. [ENG]
Accord entre le gouvernement de la République du Sénegal et l'Union africaine sur la création de Chambres africaines extraordinaires au sein des juridictions sénégalaises. 22 Août 2012. [FRA]
Texte de l'arrêt rendu par la Cour de Justice de la Communauté CEDEAO dans l'affaire Hissein Habré c/ la République du Sénégal.
Cour de Justice de la Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO), Arrêt No.: ECW/CCJ/JUD/06/10, Nigeria, 18nov10 [FRA]
Related press articles
Plus de huit millions d'euros recueillis pour l'organisation du procès d'Hissène Habré.
Union Africaine, Dakar, 24nov10 [FRA]Communiqué de presse de l'Union africaine à l'occasion de l'ouverture de la Table ronde des donateurs pour le financement du procès Habré.
Union Africaine, Dakar, 24nov10 [FRA]Allocution de Mr. Cheikh Tidiane Sy, Ministre de la Justice du Sénégal, à l'occasion de la Table ronde des donateurs pour le financement du procès Habré.
Union Africaine, Dakar, 24nov10 [FRA]Discours du représentant du Président de la Commission de l'Union Africaine à l'occasion de la cérémonie d'ouverture de la table ronde des donateurs pour le financement du procès Habré.
Union Africaine, Dakar, 24nov10 [FRA]Procès Habré : la Cour de justice de la Cédéao préconise la création d'un tribunal spécial.
RFI, 19nov10 [FRA]Donors to meet in Senegal to raise funds for Habré trial.
AFP, Dakar, 16Nov10 [ENG]
[For further information on the Hissène Habré case please visit the Resources and Links section below]
Constitution du Sénégal.
Journal Officiel, Gouvernement du Sénégal. [FRA]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link]
Constitution of the Republic of Senegal. (2001, with amendments through 2009)
Comparative Constitutions Project, University of Texas at Austin. [ENG]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link]
Code pénal. Loi de base No. 65-60, 21 Juillet 1965. Version consolidée incorporant la Loi n° 99-05 du 29 janvier 1999. (Criminal Code of the Republic of Senegal, 1965. With amendments up to 29 January 1999).
refworld. [FRA]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link]
Loi n° 2016-29 du 08 novembre 2016 modifiant la Loi n° 65-60 du 21 juillet 1965 portant Code pénal. (Criminal Code of the Republic of Senegal, Law No. 2016-29, 08 November 2016).
Gouvernement du Sénégal. [FRA]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link]
Code de Procédure Pénale. Loi de base No. 65-61, 21 Juillet 1965. (Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Senegal, 1965.).
Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances, République du Sénégal. [FRA]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link to pdf document]
Loi n° 2016-30 du 08 novembre 2016 modifiant la Loi n° 65-61 du 21 juillet 1965 portant Code de procèdure pénale. (Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Senegal, Law No. 2016-30, 08 November 2016).
Gouvernement du Sénégal. [FRA]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link]
Traité instituant un partenariat en matière de coopération militaire entre la République du Sénégal et la République française. (Treaty on Military Cooperation between the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of France).
Paris, le 18 avril 2012, Gouvernement du Sénégal. [FRA]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link]
Codes. (Laws and Regulations).
Gouvernement du Sénégal. [FRA]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link]
Lois et décrets. (Laws and Regulations).
Gouvernement du Sénégal. [FRA]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link]
Journal Officiel de la République du Sénégal. (Official State Gazette)
Gouvernement du Sénégal. [FRA]. [Last accessed 19Jul17]. [External Link]
List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Senegal is a State party. [ENG]
(International Committee of the Red Cross). [ENG] [Last accessed 14Jul17] [External Link]
List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Senegal is a State party. [ENG]
(International Committee of the Red Cross). [ENG] [Last accessed 14Jul17] [External Link]
Extraordinary African Chambers (EAC) / Chambres Africaines Extraordinaires (CAE).
Hissène Habré Case:
Chambres Africaines Extraordinaires (CAE).
[FRA]. [Last accessed 14Jul17]. [External Link]
Interactive Forum on the Extraordinary African Chambers.
[ENG]. [Last accessed 14Jul17]. [External Link]
L'affaire Habré.
Chambres Africaines Extraordinaires (CAE). [FRA]. [Last accessed 20Jul17]. [External Link]
The Trial of Hissène Habré.
HRW. [ENG]. [Last accessed 20Jul17]. [External Link]
Jugement rendu par la Chambre Africaine Extraordinaire d'Assises d'Appel dans l'affaire ministère public contre Hissein Habré.
Chambre Africaine Extraordinaire d'Assises d'Appel, 27 avril 2017. [FRA]. [Last accessed 20Jul17]. [External Link to pdf document. 61Mb prox.]
Jugement rendu par la Chambre Africaine Extraordinaire d'Assises dans l'affaire ministère public contre Hissein Habré.
Chambre Africaine Extraordinaire d'Assises, 30 mai 2006. [FRA]. [Last accessed 20Jul17]. [External Link to pdf document. 67Mb aprox.]