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Domestic implementation of international criminal law
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Domestic Legislation | Judicial Decisions | Resources and Links
Crimes Crime of Aggression
No specific provision.
Crimes Against Humanity
No provision
No provision
War Crimes
No specific provision. The Geneva Convention Implementing (Amendment) Act (1963) was essentially enacted to prohibit the use of the Red Cross and Red Crescent emblems without valid permission.
Geneva Convention Implementing (Amendment) Act, 1963. 14 December 1963. [ENG]
Geneva Convention Implementing Act, 1936. 27 October 1936. [ENG]
Pakistani courts have condemned drone strikes as being a "blatant violation" of the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and hence a war crime. (See the judgment in the case Foundation for Fundamental Rights v. Federation of Pakistan under the Judicial Decisions section below).
Related documents:
Implementing Regulations for the Chemical Weapons Convention.
The Gazette of Pakistan, Statutory Notifications (S.R.O.), Part II, 26 March 2010. [ENG]
Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Ordinance, 2000.
Ordinance No. LIV of 2000, 11 October 2000. [ENG]
International Criminal Court
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Judgment in the case Foundation for Fundamental Rights v. Federation of Pakistan. ("Drone Attacks case").
Case No. WP No.1551-P/2012, Peshawar High Court, Pakistan, 11 April 2013. [ENG]
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. (As modified up to the 28 February 2012).
National Assembly of Pakistan. [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Dec17]. [External Link to pdf document]
The Pakistan Penal Code. (Act No. XLV of 1860, 06 October 1860).
World Intellectual Property Organization. [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Dec17]. [External Link]
Pakistan Penal Code. (Act No. XLV of 1860, 06 October 1860). [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Dec17]. [External Link]
Code of Criminal Procedure. (1898, last amended 16 February 2017). [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Dec17]. [External Link to pdf document]
National Reconciliation Ordinance. (05 October 2007).
International Labour Organization NatLex. [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Dec17]. [External Link to pdf document]
Acts of Parliament.
National Assembly of Pakistan. [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Dec17]. [External Link]
List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Pakistan is a State party
International Committee of the Red Cross. [ENG]. [Last accessed 14Dec17]. [External Link]