Core international crimes:

Crime of Aggression

Crimes Against Humanity


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Nicaragua Flag  Republic of Nicaragua

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Domestic legislation for serious crimes under international law


Crime of Aggression

No provision.

Crimes Against Humanity

Crimes against humanity are included in Book II, Title XXII, Chapter II (Crimes against Humanity), Articles 486 (Torture), 487 (Apartheid) and 488 (Enforced dissapearance of persons ) of the Nicaraguan Criminal Code, although the offences themselves are drafted as common crimes. See:

  • Código Penal, Ley No. 641, 13 noviembre 2007. [SPA]


    Genocide is defined in Book II, Title XXII, Chapter I (Genocide), Articles 484-485 of the Nicaraguan Criminal Code. See:

  • Código Penal, Ley No. 641, 13 noviembre 2007. [SPA]

    War Crimes

    War crimes are included in Book II, Title XXII, Chapter III, Articles 489-521 of the Nicaraguan Criminal Code. See:

  • Código Penal, Ley No. 641, 13 noviembre 2007. [SPA]

    Related Documents:

  • Código Procesal Penal. [Criminal Procedure Code]. Ley No. 406, 13 noviembre 2001. [SPA]

  • Decreto de reforma al Decreto de la Creación de la Comisión Nacional para la aplicación del derecho internacional humanitario. [Decree amending the Decree by which the National Commission for the Application of International Humanitarian Law is created]. Decreto No. 122-99, 30 noviembre 1999. [SPA]

  • Instrumento de ratificación de los Protocolos Adicionales a los Convenios de Ginebra. [Instrument of ratification of the Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions]. 31 mayo 1999. [SPA]

  • Decreto de creación de la Comisión Nacional para la aplicación del derecho internacional humanitario. [Decree Creating the National Commission for the Application of International Humanitarian Law]. Decreto No. 54-99, 23 abril 1999. [SPA]

  • Decreto de creación de la Comisión Nacional de desminado. [Decree by which the National Demining Commission is established]. Decreto No. 84-98, 27 noviembre 1998. [SPA]

  • Decreto de aprobación de los Protocolos adicionales a los Convenios de Ginebra. [Decree approving the Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions]. Decreto A.N. No. 2010, 1 septiembre 1998. [SPA]

  • Ley de amnistía, Ley No. 163, 17 agosto 1993. [SPA]
    [Amnesty Law: This amnesty law covers political crimes and related common crimes committed up to August 28, 1993, except for war crimes and crimes against humanity, in accordance with International Law.]

  • Decreto de reforma al Decreto de creación de la Comisión Nacional de promoción y protección de los Derechos Humanos. [Decree amending the Decree by which the National Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights is created]. Decreto No. 1114, 22 septiembre 1982. [SPA]

  • Decreto de creación de la Comisión nacional de promoción y protección de los Derechos Humanos. [Decree creating the National Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights]. Decreto No. 438, 13 junio 1980. [SPA]


    Jurisdiction ratione loci and ratione personae is provided for under Articles 13, 14 and 16 of the Nicaraguan Criminal Code. Article 13 establishes that the Nicaraguan penal laws are applicable to crimes and offences committed in Nicaraguan territory, except for the exceptions contained in the international instruments ratified by Nicaragua. Article 16 is devoted to the principle of universality and it states that the penal laws of Nicaragua will apply to Nicaraguans or foreigners who have committed crimes against the international order outside the national boundaries or any other crime that may be prosecuted in Nicaragua in accordance with international instruments ratified by the country. In this case, the rules set out in para. c) of Article 14 will apply (i.e., that the offender has not been acquitted, amnestied or pardoned or has not served the sentence abroad).

    Miscellaneous Provisions applicable to crimes against humanity, genocide ansd war crimes:

    Article 522 of ther Criminal Code includes the principle of command responsibility in the context of armed conflicts. See:

  • Código Penal, Ley No. 641, 13 noviembre 2007. [SPA]

    International Criminal Court

    Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Republic of Nicaragua is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

  • Judicial Decisions

  • International Court of Justice Judgment Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua.
    Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1986

    Peace Accords

  • Declaración de Montelimar de los presidentes centroamericanos
    A/44/936, S/21235, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 09 abril 1990. [SPA]
  • Montelimar Declaration of the Central American Presidents
    A/44/936, S/21235, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 09 April 1990. [ENG]
  • Déclaration de Montelimar des présidents centraméricains
    A/44/936, S/21235, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 09 avril 1990. [FRA]

  • Declaración de San Isidro de Coronado de los presidentes centroamericanos
    A/44/872, S/21019, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 12 diciembre 1989. [SPA]
  • Declaration of San Isidro de Coronado of the Central American Presidents
    A/44/872, S/21019, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 12 December 1989. [ENG]
  • Déclaration de San Isidro de Coronado des présidents centraméricains
    A/44/872, S/21019, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 12 décembre 1989. [FRA]

  • Declaración de Tela suscribiendo al Plan conjunto para la desmovilización de los miembros de la resistencia nicaragüense.
    A/44/451, S/20778, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 9 agosto 1989. [SPA]
  • Tela Declaration endorsing the Joint Plan for the voluntary demobilisation of the members of the Nicaraguan resistance.
    A/44/451, S/20778, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 9 August 1989. [ENG]
  • Déclaration de Tela souscrivant au Plan conjoint pour la démobilisation des membres de la résistance nicaraguayenne.
    A/44/451, S/20778, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 9 août 1989. [FRA]

  • Declaración conjunta de la Costa del Sol de los presidentes centroamericanos
    A/44/140, S/20491, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 27 febrero 1989. [SPA]
  • Costa del Sol Joint Declaration of the Central American Presidents
    A/44/140, S/20491, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 27 February 1989. [ENG]
  • Déclaration conjointe de la Costa del Sol des présidents centraméricains
    A/44/140, S/20491, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 27 février 1989. [FRA]

  • Declaración conjunta de Alajuela de los Presidentes de Centroamérica
    A/42/911, S/19447, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 22 enero 1988. [SPA]
  • Alajuela Joint Declaration of the Central American Presidents
    A/42/911, S/19447, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 22 January 1988. [ENG]
  • Déclaration commune d'Alajuela des présidents des Etats d'Amérique centrale
    A/42/911, S/19447, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 22 janvier 1988. [FRA]

  • Procedimientos para la paz firme y duradera en Centroamérica
    A/42/521, S/19085, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 31 agosto 1987. [SPA]
  • Procedure for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace in Central America
    A/42/521, S/19085, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 31 August 1987. [ENG]
  • Processus à suivre pour instaurer une paix stable et durable en Amérique centrale
    A/42/521, S/19085, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 31 août 1987. [FRA]

  • Declaración de Esquipulas de los presidentes centroamericanos
    A/40/1119, S/18106, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 28 mayo 1986. [SPA]
  • Esquipulas Declaration of the Central American Presidents
    A/40/1119, S/18106, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 28 May 1986. [ENG]
  • Déclaration de Esquipulas des présidents centraméricains
    A/40/1119, S/18106, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 28 mai 1986. [FRA]

    Resources and Links

  • Constitution of Nicaragua, 1987 (with amendments through 2005).
    Comparative Constitutions Project, University of Texas at Austin. [ENG]. [Last accessed 05Mar18]. [External link to pdf file]

  • Constitución Política de Nicaragua.
    Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua. [SPA]. [Last accessed 26Mar18]. [External Link].

  • Código Penal Militar de la República de Nicaragua.
    Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua. [SPA]. [Last accessed 26Mar18]. [External Link].

  • Código de Procedimiento Penal Militar de la República de Nicaragua.
    Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua. [SPA]. [Last accessed 26Mar18]. [External Link].

  • La Gaceta.
    Diario Oficial del Gobierno de la República de Nicaragua. [SPA]. [Last accessed 22Mar18]. [External Link]

  • Últimas leyes aprobadas. (Recently passed Laws)
    Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua. [SPA]. [Last accessed 26Mar18]. [External Link].

  • Legislación Nicaragüense.
    Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua. [SPA]. [Last accessed 22Mar18]. [External Link].

  • Human Rights Reports.
    Equipo Nizkor. [SPA]. [Last accessed 22Mar18].

  • Civil Wars in Central America: Selected bibliography.
    Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [ENG]

  • International Humanitarian Law treaties to which Nicaragua is a State Party.
    International Committee of the Red Cross. [ENG]. [Last accessed 22Mar18]. [External Link]