Domestic implementation of international criminal law
Republic of Iceland
Domestic Legislation | Resources and Links
Crimes Crime of Aggression
No specific provision. However, Iceland ratified the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute on the crime of aggression on 16 July 2016. See:
Iceland ratifies Amendments to the Rome Statute on the crime of aggression .
ICC-ASP-20160622-PR1222, Assembly of States Parties to the International Criminal Court, New York, 22Jun16 [ENG]L’Islande ratifie les amendements relatifs au crime d’agression du Statut de Rome.
ICC-ASP-20160622-PR1222, Assemblée des États Parties de la Cour pénale internationale, New-York, 22juin16 [FRA]Crimes Against Humanity
No specific provision.
No specific provision
War Crimes
No specific provision. Iceland has nonetheless ratified all major treaties and conventions relating to International Humanitarian Law (see full list under the Resources and Links section below).
Related Documents:
Act No. 115/2014 regarding the Icelandic Red Cross and the emblem of the Red Cross, the Red Crescent and the Red Crystal.
01 December 2014. [ENG]
Ad-Hoc Tribunals (ICTY and ICTR)
Law No. 49 on Legal Aid to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
28 April 1994. [ENG]
International Criminal Court
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Republic of Iceland signed the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on 26 August 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification on 25 May 2000.
Upon ratification the Republic of Iceland made the following notification under article 87 (1) and (2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:"1. With reference to article 87, paragraph 1(a), of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Iceland declares that the Ministry of Justice is designated as the channel for the transmission of requests for cooperation from the Court.
➤ Iceland passed Law No. 43 of 19 May 2001 (in force since 01 July 2002), on the implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Article 1 of the said Law provides for the conduction of investigations or proceedings in respect of persons living in Iceland supected of having committed a crime under the jurisdiction of the Court i.e., crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes and the crime of aggression, at the behest of the Court. See:2. With reference to article 87, paragraph 2, of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Iceland declares that requests for cooperation from the Court and any documents supporting the requests shall be submitted in English, which is one of the working languages of the Court."
Lög um framkvæmd Rómarsamþykktar um Alþjóðlega sakamáladómstólinn.
(Act on the implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court).
19 May 2001. [ICE]
Constitution of the Republic of Iceland. (No. 33, 17 June 1944, as amended 30 May 1984, 31 May 1991, 28 June 1995 and 24 June 1999).
Government Offices of Iceland. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Mar18]. [External Link]
The General Penal Code, Nr. 19/1940. (Entered into force 12 August 1940. With amendments through 02 July 2015).
Government Offices of Iceland. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Mar18]. [External Link to pdf document]
Law on Criminal Procedure, No. 88/2008. (Excerpts)
Government Offices of Iceland. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Mar18]. [External Link]
Extradition of Criminals and Other Assistance in Criminal Proceedings Act No. 13, 17th April 1984.
Government Offices of Iceland. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Mar18]. [External Link]
Government Offices of Iceland. [ENG]. [Last accessed 01Mar18]. [External Link]
Official Gazette of Iceland. (Stjórnartíðindi)
[ICE]. [Last accessed 01Mar18]. [External Link]
Legislation database.
Althingi (Parliament). [ICE]. [Last accessed 01Mar18]. [External Link]
List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Iceland is a State party.
International Committee of the Red Cross. [ENG]. [Last accessed 27Feb18]. [External Link]