Domestic application of international criminal law
Republic of Honduras
LegislationJudicial Decisions Peace Accords Articles Resources and
Crimes Crime of Aggression
No specific provision.
Article 305 of the Criminal Code of Honduras punishes any act aimed at provoking aggression or hostilities of one or more nations against Honduras, but does not contain a definition of aggression. Article 312 punishes the same offences when committed against an allied State of Honduras in war or armed conflict against a common enemy.
Código Penal. Decreto Nº 144-83 (incl. modificaciones hasta Decreto 6-2017 de 22 febrero 2017), Tegucigalpa D.C., 26 septiembre 1983. [SPA] Crimes Against Humanity
Article 16 of the Constitution of Honduras (1982), about the legal status of treaties, provides that "International treaties entered into by Honduras with other States form part of the domestic law as soon as they enter into force", and Article 18 that "In case of conflict between the treaty or convention and the law, the former shall prevail." [Full text of the Constitution of Honduras available under the Resources and Links section below]
Honduras is a state party to the Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 2006 (Ratification / Accession: 01 April 2008), whose Article 5 stipulates:"The widespread or systematic practice of enforced disappearance constitutes a crime against humanity as defined in applicable international law and shall attract the consequences provided for under such applicable international law."
According to press information, a new Criminal Code would have been passed by Congress on 18 January 2018, which would incorporate new wording for genocide (prison terms of up to 30 years) and would include definitions and penalties for crimes against humanity and war crimes. According to press information also, a new Military Code would be under preparation.Genocide
Genocide is included in Article 319 of the Penal Code of Honduras. See:
Código Penal. Decreto Nº 144-83 (incl. modificaciones hasta Decreto 6-2017 de 22 febrero 2017), Tegucigalpa D.C., 26 septiembre 1983. [SPA]
According to press information, a new Criminal Code would have been passed by Congress on 18 January 2018, which would incorporate new wording for genocide (prison terms of up to 30 years) and would include definitions and penalties for crimes against humanity and war crimes. According to press information also, a new Military Code would be under preparation.War Crimes
The Military Code of Justice (1906) provides for certain war crimes. Chapter III under Title I is devoted to recruitment offences and Chapter IV under the same title is devoted to "Crimes against the law of nations, devastation and plundering". [Full text of the Military Code available under the Resources and Links section below.]
Furthermore, according to Articles 16 and 18 of the Constitution of Honduras (1982), "International treaties entered into by Honduras with other States form part of the domestic law as soon as they enter into force" and "[I]n case of conflict between the treaty or convention and the law, the former shall prevail." [Full text of the Constitution of Honduras available under the Resources and Links section below]. Honduras is a State party to the Geneva Conventions, their Additional Protocols and a series of International Humanitarian Law treaties and conventions, such as the Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, 1968. [See List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Honduras is a State party, by the International Committee of the Red Cross.]
Código Militar. (Extractado). Decreto Nº 76. [SPA]
According to press information, a new Criminal Code would have been passed by Congress on 18 January 2018, which would incorporate new wording for genocide (prison terms of up to 30 years) and would include definitions and penalties for crimes against humanity and war crimes. According to press information also, a new Military Code would be under preparation.
Related Documents:
Acuerdo Ejecutivo que constituye la Comisión Hondureña de Derecho Internacional Humanitario. (Acuerdo Ejecutivo Número 005-2007).
3a Gaceta, Nº 31.283, Tegucigalpa, 20 abril 2007. [SPA]
Ley de protección del emblema de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja. La Gaceta, Año CCXXVIII, Núm. 30.636, Sección A, Tegucigalpa, 02 marzo 2005. [SPA]
Ley para la prohibición de la producción, compra, venta, importación, exportación, tránsito, utilización, posesión y transferencia de minas antipersonales. Decreto No. 60-2000, La Gaceta, 30 mayo 2000. [SPA]
Jurisdiction According to Article 3 of the Criminal Code of Honduras, the Honduran Criminal Law shall apply to any person who commits a punishable act in the national territory and other places subject to the jurisdiction of Honduras, except for the exceptions stipulated in International Law.
In addition, Article 5.5 of the Criminal Code provides that Honduran Courts shall have jurisdiction over crimes committed abroad when the accused is in Honduras and when so provided in the international conventions to which Honduras is a state party, or when the crime seriously violates universally recognized human rights. Preference shall be given, however, to the criminal complaint of the State in whose territory the punishable act has been committed, provided that the criminal complaint has been submitted before the one in Honduras. See:
Código Penal. Decreto Nº 144-83 (incl. modificaciones hasta Decreto 6-2017 de 22 febrero 2017), Tegucigalpa D.C., 26 septiembre 1983. [SPA]
International Criminal Court
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Republic of Honduras signed the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on 07 October 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification on 01 July 2002.
Upon ratification the Republic of Honduras made the following notification under article 87 (1) and (2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:"With respect to article 87, paragraph 1 (a), of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Republic of Honduras has designated the Ministry of the Interior and Justice as the competent authority to receive and transmit requests for cooperation. With respect to article 87, paragraph 2, the Republic of Honduras declares that requests for cooperation and any documents supporting the request should be submitted in the Spanish language, or accompanied by a translation into Spanish. ...
II. This Agreement shall be submitted to the Sovereign National Congress for its consideration, for the purposes of article 205, paragraph 30, of the Constitution of the Republic.
For communications: (F) Ricardo Maduro: President; Secretary of State to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: (F) Guillermo Pérez-Cadalso."
Opinión consultiva sobre la ratificación del Estatuto de Roma de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional. (Advisory opinion on the ratification of the Rome Statute, Supreme Court of Honduras, 24 January 2002).
Corte Suprema de Justicia de Honduras, 24 enero 2002. [SPA]
Opinión consultiva sobre la ratificación del Estatuto de Roma de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional. (Advisory opinion on the ratification of the Rome Statute, Supreme Court of Honduras, 24 January 2002).
Corte Suprema de Justicia de Honduras, 24 enero 2002. [SPA]
Decreto ejecutivo para la creación de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación. 13 abril 2010. [SPA] [Edition in progress] Acuerdo de San José para la reconciliación nacional y el fortalecimiento de la democracia en Honduras. 22 julio 2009. [SPA] [Edition in progress] Declaración de Montelimar de los presidentes centroamericanos
A/44/936, S/21235, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 09 abril 1990. [SPA]Declaración de Montelimar de los presidentes centroamericanos
A/44/936, S/21235, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 09 abril 1990. [SPA]Montelimar Declaration of the Central American Presidents
A/44/936, S/21235, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 09 April 1990. [ENG]Déclaration de Montelimar des présidents centraméricains
A/44/936, S/21235, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 09 avril 1990. [FRA]Declaración de San Isidro de Coronado de los presidentes centroamericanos
A/44/872, S/21019, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 12 diciembre 1989. [SPA]Declaration of San Isidro de Coronado of the Central American Presidents
A/44/872, S/21019, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 12 December 1989. [ENG]Déclaration de San Isidro de Coronado des présidents centraméricains
A/44/872, S/21019, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 12 décembre 1989. [FRA]Declaración conjunta de la Costa del Sol de los presidentes centroamericanos
A/44/140, S/20491, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 27 febrero 1989. [SPA]Costa del Sol Joint Declaration of the Central American Presidents
A/44/140, S/20491, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 27 February 1989. [ENG]Déclaration conjointe de la Costa del Sol des présidents centraméricains
A/44/140, S/20491, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 27 février 1989. [FRA]Declaración conjunta de Alajuela de los Presidentes de Centroamérica
A/42/911, S/19447, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 22 enero 1988. [SPA]Alajuela Joint Declaration of the Central American Presidents
A/42/911, S/19447, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 22 January 1988. [ENG]Déclaration commune d'Alajuela des présidents des Etats d'Amérique centrale
A/42/911, S/19447, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 22 janvier 1988. [FRA]Procedimientos para la paz firme y duradera en Centroamérica
A/42/521, S/19085, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 31 agosto 1987. [SPA]Procedure for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace in Central America
A/42/521, S/19085, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 31 August 1987. [ENG]Processus à suivre pour instaurer une paix stable et durable en Amérique centrale
A/42/521, S/19085, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 31 août 1987. [FRA]Declaración de Esquipulas de los presidentes centroamericanos
A/40/1119, S/18106, Asamblea General y Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York, 28 mayo 1986. [SPA]Esquipulas Declaration of the Central American Presidents
A/40/1119, S/18106, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, New York, 28 May 1986. [ENG]Déclaration de Esquipulas des présidents centraméricains
A/40/1119, S/18106, Assemblée générale et Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, New York, 28 mai 1986. [FRA]Tratado General de Paz entre las Repúblicas de El Salvador y de Honduras
United Nations Treaty Series, Vol. 1310, I-21856, 1983, pp. 214-225. [SPA]General Peace Treaty Between the Republics of El Salvador and Honduras
United Nations Treaty Series, Vol. 1310, I-21856, 1983, pp. 226-237. [ENG]Traité général de paix entre les Républiques d'El Salvador et du Honduras
Recueil des Traités des Nations Unies, Vol. 1310, I-21856, 1983, pp. 238-249. [FRA]
Aprobado el nuevo Código Penal. (New Criminal Code passed by Congress, 18 January 2018).
Hondudiario, Honduras, 18 enero 2018. [SPA]
Revelan que Congreso Nacional estructurará nuevo Código Penal Militar. (Congress will shape a new Military Penal Code).
Diario Tiempo Digital, Honduras, 10 mayo 2017. [SPA]
Penas para delitos de lesa humanidad y genocidio aprobaron en Congreso. (Penalties for crimes against humanity and genocide passed in Congress).
Diario Tiempo Digital, Honduras, 19 abril 2017. [SPA]
LIBRE y PAC respaldan dictamen del nuevo Código Penal en los temas de genocidio y lesa humanidad. (LIBRE and PAC endorse opinion on the new Criminal Code on the issues of genocide and against humanity).
Diario Tiempo Digital, Honduras, 19 abril 2017. [SPA]
Constitution of Honduras. (1982, with Amendments through 2013).
Comparative Constitutions Project, University of Texas at Austin. [ENG]. [Last accessed 19Mar18]. [External Link to pdf document]
Constitución Política de 1982. (Decreto Nº 131; Publicada en la Gaceta No. 23,612 de 20 enero 1982.)
Poder Judicial. [SPA]. [Last accessed 19Mar18]. [External Link to pdf document]
Código Penal, 1983. (Incluye reforma octubre 2017)
Poder Judicial. [SPA]. [Last accessed 19Mar18]. [External Link to pdf document]
Código Procesal Penal. (Incluye Reforma 96-2017, enero 2018).
Poder Judicial. [SPA]. [Last accessed 19Mar18]. [External Link to pdf document]
Código Militar, 1906.
PCentro Electrónico de Documentación e Información Judicial (CEDIJ), Consejo de la Judicatura y la Carrera Judicial, Honduras. [SPA]. [Last accessed 22Mar18]. [External Link to pdf document]
Legislación hondureña. (Legislation).
Centro Electrónico de Documentación e Información Judicial (CEDIJ), Consejo de la Judicatura y la Carrera Judicial, Honduras. [SPA]. [Last accessed 19Mar18]. [External Link to pdf document]
Cógigos. (Codes)
Centro Electrónico de Documentación e Información Judicial (CEDIJ), Consejo de la Judicatura y la Carrera Judicial, Honduras. [SPA]. [Last accessed 19Mar18]. [External Link to pdf document]
Leyes y Decretos. (Laws and Decrees).
Congreso Nacional, de Honduras. [SPA]. [Last accessed 19Mar18]. [External Link]
List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Honduras is a State party.
International Committee of the Red Cross. [ENG]. [Last accessed 19Mar18]. [External Link]
Death Squads and International Connections:
Escuadrones de la Muerte y Conexiones Internacionales.
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [SPA, with some documents available in English]
Caso Billy Joya. [Billy Joya Case before the National Court in Madrid. (Billy Joya is a former police captain member of the infamous Intelligence Battalion 3-16)].
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [SPA]
CIA & Argentinean Military Activities in Honduras.
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [SPA/ENG]
The John Negroponte Webpage.
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [SPA/ENG]
Excerpts from "Selected Issues Relating to CIA Activities in Honduras in the 1980s".
The National Security Archive. [ENG]. [Last accessed 22Mar18]. [External Link]
Notorious Honduran School of the Americas Graduates. (Graduados hondureños notorios de la Escuela de las Américas).
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [ENG]Honduran School of the Americas Students and Instructors. (Estudiantes e Instructores hondureños de la Escuela de las Américas).
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [ENG]Argentine School of the Americas Students and Instructors. (Estudiantes e Instructores argentinos de la Escuela de las Américas).
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [ENG]Inteligencia de Combate. (U.S. Army Training Manual used at the School of the Americas: Combat Intelligence).
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [SPA]Manejo de Fuentes. (U.S. Army Training Manual used at the School of the Americas: Handling of Sources).
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [SPA]
Manual de Interrogatorio. (U.S. Army Training Manual used at the School of the Americas: Interrogation).
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [SPA]Manual de Terrorismo y Guerrilla Urbana. (U.S. Army Training Manual used at the School of the Americas: Terrorism and the Urban Guerilla ).
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [SPA]
Civil Wars in Central America: Selected bibliography.
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [ENG]
Human Rights Reports:
Human Rights Reports by COFADEH (the Committee of Relatives of the Disappeared in Honduras).
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [ENG]
Human Rights Reports.
Equipo Nizkor, Derechos Human Rights. [SPA, with some documents available in English].
Honduras Documentation Project.
The National Security Archive. [ENG]. [Last accessed 22Mar18]. [External Link]