Core international crimes:

Crime of Aggression

Crimes Against Humanity


War Crimes

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Guinea-Bissau Flag  Republic of Guinea-Bissau

Domestic Legislation | Resources and Links

Domestic legislation for serious crimes under international law


Crime of Aggression / Crimes Against Peace

Title 1 of the Penal Code of Guinea-Bissau concerns "Crimes against Peace, Humanity and Freedom". Article 100 provides the following regarding incitement to war:

    "Article 100
    Incitement to War

    1. Anyone who by any means, publicly and repeatedly, incites hatred against a race, a people or a nation, with the intention of provoking a war or of preventing peaceful coexistence among the different races, peoples or nations, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to five years.
    2. Anyone who instigates or recruits Guinean citizens in order to, at the service of a foreign group or power, wage war against a state or overthrow the legitimate Government of another State by violent means, shall be punished with the same penalty."

  • Código Penal. (Criminal Code).
    Decreto Lei nº 4/93, Boletim Oficial da República da Guiné-Bissau, No. 41, Suplemento, Bissau, 13out1993. [POR]

    Crimes Against Humanity

    No specific provision despite the heading of Title 1, "Crimes against Peace, Humanity and Freedom", and despite the fact that Articles 102 and 106 of the Penal Code address racial discrimination and slavery respectively.


    Genocide is defined in Article 101 of the Penal Code of Guinea-Bissau:

      "Article 101

      1. Anyone who, with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group commits any of the following acts:
        a) Killing or causing of serious physical harm against the members of the group;
        b) Imposing measures intended to prevent procreation or births within the group;
        c) Forcibly transferring members of the group to another group;
        d) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
        e) General confiscation or seizure of goods owned by the members of the group;
        f) Prohibition of certain commercial, industrial or professional activities to the members of the group;
        g) Dissemination of an epidemic likely to cause death or serious harm to the physical integrity of the members of the group;
        h) Prohibition, omission or impediment by any means of the provision of humanitarian assistance to the members of the group required to combat situations of epidemic or serious food shortage;
      shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to twenty-five years.
      2. Public and direct incitement to the commission of any of the acts described above shall be punished with imprisonment from one to ten years"

  • Código Penal. (Criminal Code).
    Decreto Lei nº 4/93, Boletim Oficial da República da Guiné-Bissau, No. 41, Suplemento, Bissau, 13out1993. [POR]

    War Crimes

    No specific provision.

    Related documents:

  • Decreto n.° 35/75 que cria a Cruz Vermelha da Guiné-Bissau. (Decree creating the National Red Cross Society).
    Boletim Oficial da República da Guiné-Bissau, nº 48, pp. 1-6, 02dez1977. [POR]


    Territorial Jurisdiction is provided for under Articles 6 ("Territorial application of the penal law"), 7 (Acts committed outside the national territory) and 8 ("Limitations to the application of the law of Guinea-Bissau"). See:

  • Código Penal. (Criminal Code).
    Decreto Lei nº 4/93, Boletim Oficial da República da Guiné-Bissau, No. 41, Suplemento, Bissau, 13out1993. [POR]

    International Criminal Court

    Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: The Republic of Guinea-Bissau signed the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on 12 September 2000. The Republic of Guinea-Bissau is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

  • Resources and Links

  • Constituição da República da Guiné-Bissau.
    Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, Lisboa, Portugal. [POR]. [Last accessed 02Nov17]. [External link to pdf document]

  • Constitution of Guinea-Bisau. (1984 with Amendments through 1991)
    Comparative Constitutions Project, University of Texas at Austin. [ENG]. [Last accessed 02Nov17]. [External link to pdf document]

  • Codigo do Processo Penal. Decreto Lei nº 5/93 de 13 de Outubro (Criminal Procedure Code).
    UNODC. [ENG]. [Last accessed 02Nov17]. [External link to pdf document]

  • List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Guinea Bissau is a State party.
    (International Committee of the Red Cross). [ENG]. [Last accessed 31May17]. [External link]