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Domestic implementation of international criminal law
Cook Islands
Domestic Legislation | Resources and Links
Crimes Crime of Aggression
No provision
Crimes Against Humanity
No provision
No provision
War Crimes
Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols Act 2002. Act No. 1 of 2002. An Act to consolidate and amend the Geneva Conventions Act 1958. Republic of Nauru, 11 February 2002. [ENG]
Cook Islands Red Cross Society Act 2002. Act No. 2 of 2002. An Act to establish, recognise and regulate the Cook Islands Red Cross Society. Republic of Nauru, 11 February 2002. [ENG]
See s. 5 of: Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols Act 2002. Act No. 1 of 2002. An Act to consolidate and amend the Geneva Conventions Act 1958. Republic of Nauru, 11 February 2002. [ENG]
International Criminal Court
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Cook Islands acceded to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on 18 July 2008.
The Constitution of the Cook Islands. 1964. (Reprinted as at 17 July 1997 with amendments incorporated)
Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, Government of the Cook islands. [ENG]. [Last accessed 31May17]. [External Link to pdf document]
Cook Islands Constitution Act 1964. 1964 No 69, 17 November 1964
New Zealand Legislation, Parliamentary Counsel Office. [Last accessed 12Oct17]. [ENG]. [External Link]
The Cook Islands Legislation: Acts in Force and Subsidiary Legislation in Force.
Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, University of the South Pacific School of Law. [ENG]. [Last accessed 12Oct17]. [External Link]
Cook Islands Sessional Legislation.
Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, University of the South Pacific School of Law. [ENG]. [Last accessed 12Oct17]. [External Link]
Cook Islands - Chronological Table of Acts.
Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, University of the South Pacific School of Law. [ENG]. [Last accessed 12Oct17]. [External Link]
List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Cook Islands is a State party. [ENG]
International Committee of the Red Cross. [ENG] .[Last accessed 12Oct17]. [External Link]