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Domestic implementation of international law
The Kingdom of Bhutan
Domestic Legislation | Resources and Links
Crimes Crime of Aggression
No provision.
Crimes Against Humanity
No provision.
No provision.
War Crimes
No provision.
Jurisdiction Article 20 of the Civil and Criminal Procedure Code of Bhutan states as follows regarding extra-territorial jurisdiction:
"20. The Supreme Court/High Court shall exercise jurisdiction outside Bhutan on the bases of the following principles:
(a) territorial;
(b) nationality;
(c) passive personality;
(d) protective;
(e) universality;
(f) flag jurisdiction; and
(g) airspace."
International Criminal Court
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Bhutan is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the ICC.
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2008.
(National Council of Bhutan). [ENG] [Last accessed 15Nov15] [External Link]
Penal Code of Bhutan, 2004.
(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes official website). [ENG] [Last accessed 15Nov15] [External Link to pdf file]
The Civil and Criminal Procedure Code of Bhutan, 2004. [ENG]
(Official Website of the Royal Court of Justice of Bhutan). [Last accessed 15Nov15] [External Link to pdf file]Acts of Bhutan.
Ministry of Information and Communications of Bhutan). [ENG] [Last accessed 15Nov15] [External Link]
Legal Guide to Bhutan. [ENG]
(U.S. Law Library of Congress). [Last accessed 15Nov15] [External Link]
List of International Humanitarian Law Treaties to which Bhutan is a State party. [ENG]
(International Committee of the Red Cross). [ENG] [Last accessed 15Nov15] [External Link]