Human Rights


We are very happy to provide you with human rights information, and links to other parts of the net where you can the information you need. However, learning about human rights is just the first step. Taking the second step by acting to end human rights violations is even more important. We know, it seems like an impossible task some times. So many people are tortured, raped, imprisoned unjustly, killed, disappeared... However, we don't need to save the world. Just making a difference in the life of one person can be enough.

Please help us save that one life. Below are links to several pages at this site containing actions on behalf of victims of human rights violations. From writing a postcard to a prisoner, to sending a letter to the government, or participating in higer level actions. You CAN help.

"He Who Saves A Life,
Saves The World Entire"

send a letter!

Ongoing Campaigns
Participate on worldwide campaign to free prisoners of conscience, protect human rights defenders and more!


Write to a Prisoner of Conscience!
and give him hope!


Write to the Government
to protest human rights violations!


  • Holiday Card Campaign
    It's past Xmas, but political prisoners worldwide would appreciate your letters.


  • Actions from the Human Rights Actions Network

  • Actions from the World Organization Against Torture

  • Human Rights Internet Actions

  • pencil
    Join the Human Rights Actions Network
    and receive actions right in your e-mailbox!

    latin america mapa

    Actions on:

    Argentina - Bolivia - Colombia - Chile - Cuba
    Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras
    PerĂº - Venezuela

    Write to Your Own Government and Ask for their Help

    Often times this is the best thing you can do. Many countries that violate human rights are very weary of negative international opinion - as this may mean less trade, less financial aid, less money to buy weapons. A vote by your congressman or representative to not support a country that violates human rights can go very far, even a letter written by him or her can have a significant impact and save someone from death, torture or prison. We encourage you (we beg you, if that makes it better) to contact your representatives with respect to the cases you can find above. Let them know that you have learned of that situation, and ask them to contact the authorities of the country in question and ask them to make sure the human rights violation is corrected. Thank you.

  • How to Contact your US Congressional Repressentative

  • Mr. Smith E-Mails Washington
    Web page that allows you to compose & send your message to your representatives or the media online.

  • Volunteer!

  • Become a Human Rights Surfer!

  • Help Derechos with a Human Rights Project!

  • Witness for Peace Long Term Volunteer Program
    In Guatemala, Nicaragua or Haiti

  • Links to Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer with Lawyer's Committee for Human Rights

  • Volunteer Web

  • Idealist
    Volunteer & other opportunities

  • Other Ways to Get Involved!
    • Petitions
      Sign or create a petition on a variety of topics!

    • Protests
      Find out about protests all over the world.

    Actions by Other NGOs

    *Tunisia: Campaign to Defend Khemais Ksila
    Arab Commission for Human Rights

    Note: Derechos Human Rights provides links to human rights
    actions and materials on other websites for the
    convenience of our users. In most instances,
    we have not evaluated them.
    Please use your judgement.

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