The Human Rights Actions Network rights/actions/
URGENT ACTION THE OBSERVATORY RDC 002 / 9712 / OBS 019 Harassment/ detention Democratic Republic of Congo (ex-Zaire) 1 December 1997 The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the FIDH and OMCT request your urgent intervention in the following situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Brief description of the events: The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders is gravely concerned over actions against Human Rights organisations in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Observatory has been informed by the Voice of the Voiceless for Human Rights "Voix des Sans Voix", of the arrest of Mr Roger Sala Nzo Badila, Secretary General of the National Centre for Human Rights (CENADHO) at home, on Sunday November 23rd. Three inspectors accompanied by military personnel, made an exhaustive search of his home on the pretext that they were searching for "subversive documents". They confiscated numerous documents, recording them in record of seizure proceedings. Mr Roger Sala was initially detained in the private residence of one of the military, situated on the premises of the National Security Council (CNS) in Kinshasa. On Tuesday November 25th, he was then transferred to the prison cell of the Naval Information Agency on Avenue 3Z, in Gombe. A member of the Voice of the Voiceless, who was able to visit him the following day, reported that the detention conditions of Mr. Roger Sala are extremely worrying (the Prison is extremely overcrowded and absence of light), but that he had not suffered physical violence. The Voice of the Voiceless for Human Rights states that Mr Roger Sala had on previous occasions been abducted and manhandled by armed military groups. In the face of this repeated harassment he was forced to flee from his home for several months. It would appear that this recent arrest is connected with the publication in July 1997, of an issue of "le Messager" - a publication dedicated to the Human Rights situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. clothes turned up in the name of the "Presidential Security Service" and have systematically searched the premises of his organisation on November 21st. Fearing for his own safety Mr N'sii Luanda Shandwe has since been living in hiding. Action requested: Please write to the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo asking them to: i. guarantee respect for the physical and psychological integrity of Roger Sala and N'sii Luanda Shandwe; ii. order the immediate release of Roger Sala in the absence of valid charges; iii. urgently adopt appropriate measures to guarantee to non governmental human rights organisations and their members the means to act free of hindrance in order to promote the defence of fundamental rights and liberties; iv. guarantee in all circumstances the respect of human rights and fundamental liberties in accordance with regional and international instruments that the Democratic Republic of Congo is bound by. Addresses : Monsieur le Président Laurent-Désiré Kabila. Présidence de la République Démocratique du Congo, Kinshasa - Gombé Monsieur le Ministre de la Justice, Ministère de la Justice, République Démocratique du Congo, Kinshasa - Gombé Monsieur Mwenze Kongolo, Ministre de l'Intérieur, Ministère de l'Intérieur, République Démocratique du Congo, Kinshasa - Gombé Geneva, Paris, 1 December 1997