The Human Rights Actions Network rights/actions/
URGENT ACTION - OBSERVATORY COL 003 / 9712 / OBS 022 Persecution / Summary execution risk COLOMBIA 8 December 1997 The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, an FIDH and OMCT venture, requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Colombia. Brief description de la situation: The Observatory is gravely concerned for the personal security of Ms Glen Gonzalez, President of the organisation "Corporacion Suenos de Mujer"(The Dreams of Women Association) and other members of the organisation in Apartado, Uraba Province. Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l'Homme (Act Together for Human Rights), member of the OMCT-network informed the Observatory on the basis of information from FEDES (The Foundation for Education and Development) that on the 25th of November 1997, in the City of Apartado, armed members of a Paramilitary group forced their way into the home of Ms Glen Gonzalez in an attempt to kill her. Fortunately, she was not in the house. They apparently then searched the homes of other members of her family declaring that they had "express orders from their superiors" to kill her, on the pretext that Ms Glen Gonzalez had gone to Bogota with photos to denounce the human rights situation in Uraba. Before they left the area they produced a list of women that they proposed to execute. During these events, Ms Glen Gonzalez was travelling to Bogota to participate in a meeting of the National Council of Women for Peace on the 24th November. Some 50 other women from Uraba also participated. According to information received Ms Glen Gonzalez did not publicly present the denunciation. The photographs of the houses of ex-members of the community council houses which were destroyed by paramilitaries have already been used in a published work on the lives of women from Uraba. It is important to underline that paramilitaries have tried to assassinate Ms Glen Gonzalez in the past and equally other people working with her . Two members of the council were killed and a several members of the Dreams of Women Association have been forced to leave the region. Actions requested: Please write to the Colombian authorities requesting that they: i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the life and physical and psychological integrity of Ms Glen Gonzalez, all other members of Association of Dreams of Women and members of community council; ii. urgently adopt appropriate measures to guarantee non governmental human rights organisations and their members the means to act freely in favour of the defence and promotion of fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international Treaties ratified by Colombia; iii put an end to the actions of paramilitary groups including their disarmament. Ensure the initiation of legal proceedings and penal and civil sanctions for those who have violated human rights; iv. conform to the dispositions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other Pacts and Conventions ratified by Colombia. Addresses: S.E. Dr. Ernesto Samper Pizano, Presidente de la Republica, Palacio de Narino, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia. Fax (+ 571) 284 21 86 E-mail: Dr. Jaime Bernal Cuellar, Procurador General de la Nacion, Carrera 5, Nš 15-80, Santafe de Bogota. Fax (+ 571) 281 75 31 or 342 97 23 Dr. Carlos Vicente de Roux, Consejero Presidencial para los Derechos Humanos, Palacio de Narino, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia. Fax (+ 571) 3371 13 51 Dr Jose Fernando Castro Caycedo, Defensor del Pueblo, Calle 55 No. 10-46, Bogota. Fax (+571) 346 33 39 or 346 29 47 or 346 12 25 Dr. Horacio Serpa Uribe, Ministro del Interior, Ministerio del Interior, Cra. 8 No. 8-09, Bogota. Fax (+571) 251 58 84 Dr. Alfonso Valdivieso Sarmiento, Fiscal General de la Nacion, Calle 35 No. 4-32, Bogota. Fax (+571) 288 28 28 Geneva- Paris, 8 December 1997 Kindly inform the Observatory of any action undertaken quoting the code number of the present appeal.