2003 Report by the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Theo van Boven


513. By letter dated 17 October 2002, the Special Rapporteur reminded the Government of a number of cases transmitted in 1998 regarding which no reply had been received.

Urgent appeals

514. On 12 December 2002, the Special Rapporteur sent an urgent appeal on behalf of Bisher Al-Rawi, an Iraqi national, and his brother, Wahab Al-Rawi, as well as Jamil El Banna, a Jordanian national, who had reportedly been arrested along with another business associate at Banjul Airport on 8 November 2002 and questioned on their alleged links to suspected terrorist groups. The four men, all of whom are based in the United Kingdom, had reportedly travelled to the Gambia in connection with a peanut processing company set up by Wahab Al-Rawi. The men had reportedly been held in several houses and their exact location was not known at the time the Special Rapporteur sent the urgent appeal. At least one of the men had reportedly been threatened by investigators from the United States of America, who were said to be involved in the questioning of the detainees. Another of the suspects may have been injured during his detention. Wahab Al-Rawi and a third business associate, both of whom are British nationals, were reportedly released without charge on or around 5 December and left the country. Concerns were expressed on the health conditions of Jamil El Banna, who is believed to be a diabetic.


515. The Special Rapporteur notes with concern that no response has been provided to cases brought to the attention of the Government since 1998.

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small logo   This report has been published by Equipo Nizkor and Derechos Human Rights on August 2, 2005.